Prayer Changes Everything
At SouthPort Church, we believe prayer makes a difference.

Please submit your prayer request to the prayer wall below so we know how to pray for you. All prayers are moderated
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Church Family
My dear friend Marci (who introduced me to Jesus in 1986) just called from Nova Scotia with an emergency request. Her husband Joe LeBlanc was cutting grass today and a sharp object flew and hit him in the eye. I'm not sure if it's from the eye, but he has a brain bleed as well and they have put him in an induced coma to transport him to Halifax. Marci is on the road now for the 3hr drive to Halifax.
Please pray for their travel safety, the attendants treatment with Joe, Joe's complete recovery and peace for both of them.
In Jesus' name. Amen
Thank you so much. My dad’s (Robert) doctor has put him on end of life directives. Meaning days to weeks to live. There is a gastrointestinal outbreak in his unit at Lee Manor in Owen Sound which doesn’t help the situation. Funeral plans are being discussed.
Please pray for the family. Robert. My mom (Laurita), myself (David), my sister (Suzann), my brother (Mark). Robert’s brother (Richard) and sister-in-law (Patricia) as we all navigate this stage of lives.
Please, pray the following for us(Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae, you).
Jesus, forgive our sins and grant us the true freedom you promised. Remove all blinders from our eyes, which you have called the lamp of our bodies, so that when our eyes are clear, our whole body will be filled with light, according to your word.
Jesus, even if we stubbornly follow you, no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me should draw them, and just as you said, I will raise them up. All our efforts are in vain if God does not work in us.
In John 5:44, it is said, "How can you believe when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?" Lord Jesus, we pray that you would give us all the glory that comes from the only true God, not from mere humans. The glory that the Father, who has loved the Son from the beginning, has given to him.
May God grant us faith (emunah) and keep us steadfast, so that we may not waver. May he soon bestow upon us the kingdom and enable us to live, so that we may give praise for all that God has done for us. My close friend's mother is now in Owen Sound hospital in poor condition due to an ongoing health issue. I don't have any specific details but I know her health has deteriorated enough to be moved into the hospital. I believe God has the power to rejuvenate and heal her body but I would really appreciate more prayer at this time. I also pray her family would feel the presence of Jesus through this and turn to faith for support.
Thank you,
Tasha Recently separated and needi got find housing ASAP
Viewing a condo here in port Elgin this coming week and am praying that my offer is excepted .thank you for your prayers
Blessings For MOM, LYNDA, been in hospital for 10 days for extrem weight eost from Bacteria infection, she was doing well, but after docs gave her pain meds, she stopped eating and could not talk. Now has pneumonia in right lung. She is now in ICU, Oxgen is up but Blood pressure is low. They will not let me see her. Please agree with me that Mom will Live and not die and the number of her days God will fufill Please agree with me for my Mom, LYNDA, for total healing and wholeness & God restore her health & wealth & years of suffering in pain. Mom has suffered for over 5 years with spider bites, dust mites, parasites, bed bugs now Candidiasis & has lost 20lbs, only weighs 100lbs. No energy, itching, burning all over with no relief. Spent so much money on Docs that only hurt her with anti-biotics Please agree with me for my Mom, LYNDA, for total healing and wholeness & God restore her health & wealth & years of suffering in pain. Mom has suffered for over 5 years with spider bites, dust mites, parasites, bed bugs now Candidiasis & has lost 20lbs, only weighs 100lbs. No energy, itching, burning all over with no relief. Spent so much money on Docs that only hurt her with anti-biotics Hello SouthPort Church Family. Bev Wardrop has given permission to share the following prayer request. Please pray for her as she has had very severe neck and shoulder pain for the past week and half. The pain has decreased now to the level of being bearable.
Thank you and God bless you for praying for your sister in the Lord.
You are prayed for.Denise Margaret Millette
Received: June 9, 2024
Received: February 9, 2024
Ha-yeong Shin
Received: February 5, 2023
Received: May 21, 2022
Received: April 10, 2022
diana Mitchell
Received: September 29, 2021
diana Mitchell
Received: September 19, 2021
diana Mitchell
Received: September 19, 2021
Received: April 18, 2021